Cooking Classes at the Pantry!

Throughout June the Pantry held a series of cooking classes…

Pantry cooking session
Pantry cooking session
Pantry cooking session
Pantry cooking session
Pantry cooking session
Pantry cooking session
Pantry cooking session
Pantry cooking session

One of our aims at the Purfleet Pantry is to help our members make healthy food choices to improve their health and wellbeing. With this in mind, in June, we provided a series of cooking classes for our clients thanks to Sainsbury’s – our partner on this initiative.

To help tackle food poverty in local communities, Sainsbury’s has launched the Helping Everyone Eat Better Community Grant Scheme. This national scheme is aimed at helping people to access food and tackling the issues, barriers and causes of food poverty.

The goal of these cooking classes was to teach our clients simple, nutritious, healthy and affordable recipes that they can practice at home.

We were delighted to be able to give our clients the ingredients and cooking gadgets for them to be able to take away so that they can continue to cook healthy meals in the future.

What our clients had to say…

Pantry cooking session collage

The classes have been spot on and very helpful. I have learnt new recipes, cooked with new foods and learnt new skills.

I have learnt so many new recipes. It’s been so helpful and I would love to come back for more lessons.

I loved socialising with the group and Karen and Katie have been amazing and so helpful!

I ‘d like to learn even more recipes and if another cooking course comes up I’d love to attend!

Pantry cooking session collage

The Pantry was delighted to be able to hold these cooking lessons for our clients and they loved the enthusiastic demonstrations by the Pantry manager, Karen, and her assistant, volunteer Katie.

It was fantastic to be able to give our clients the ingredients and cooking equipment needed to try these recipes at home for themselves. We have seen the negative impact that food poverty can have on healthy eating, so to be able to provide the tools and knowledge needed to tackle this is a goal that we continually strive for. Being able to teach our clients vital skills such as healthy eating, means that they will be able to be self-sufficient and improve their own health and wellbeing.

Giving our clients skills, knowledge and inspiration is something we strive to do in all facets of our work, cooking and kitchen skills being no different. We have seen that when our clients are provided the basic tools, they are able to take initiative and improve their wellbeing and make a long-lasting impact on their lives.

How you can help

If you would like to volunteer and be a part of more fantastic initiatives like the Pantry cooking classes, you can help today!

Whether you’d like to volunteer regularly, or on a one-off basis, we provide a range of ways you can get involved. Please click the button below to apply to volunteer at the Pantry today!

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